Ms. Trish McIlhoney
(Area Manager; & Line-Manager, from 11th Aug. 2007 to 1st Dec. 2008)
1. This first timeline provides the necessary background to the author's first contact — in whatever form — from his Cancer Research UK Line-Manager (Area Manager Ms. McIlhoney) on 7th April 2008; that's to say, some two months beyond the spirit and letter of the probationary period stated in his Contract of Employment, and similarly two months beyond the spirit and letter of the Part-Time Regulations 2000.
{Verbatim extract from Cancer Research UK Contract of Employment: "The first six months of your employment will be probationary during which time your performance will be appraised. The probationary period enables CR-UK to provide you with a planned introduction to the role, objectives and appropriate learning and development support."
The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 state: "A part-time worker has the right not to be treated by his employer less favourably than the employer treats a comparable full-time worker — (a) as regards the terms of his contract; or (b) by being subjected to any other detriment by any act [...] of his employer."
CR-UK's document entitled Our Approach to Dignity at Work states: "All employees and applicants will be treated on merit, fairly, with respect and dignity. [...] Those in managerial roles have a responsibility to promote and implement the principles of this policy."
CR-UK's document entitled Organisation and Responsibilities for Health and Safety within Cancer Research UK states: "Management • All employees who are responsible for the management of other staff, [...], have a direct responsibility for the implementation of Cancer Research UK's policy on health and safety and welfare. This responsibility cannot be delegated,"}
{The Chief Executive's Health, Safety and Welfare Policy Statement states: "The Council of Cancer Research UK attaches the greatest importance to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of all persons at work"; ... note the use of the superlative adjective in this phrase.}
5th July 2007. Area Manager fails to notice, during this same formal shop visit, the anomalies in completed Young Person's Risk Assessment Forms [see proforma], the totally aberrant placement of the main Health & Safety Notice [see sketch], a 4-month inactioned risk-assessment of the swing-door in the shop's Health & Safety File [see film], a 2-month unreported accident in the Safety Book, the de facto ornamental nature of the fire extinguishers, the total unsuitability of the fire evacuation point [†], the lack of provision for the safe temporary storage of broken glassware and sharps, the communal storage of food and shop cleaning chemicals, the lack of basic hygiene in the kitchen and toilet, exemplified by the antediluvian use of communal towels and non-functioning hand air-dryers, and the non-alphabetical ordering of the volunteers' health details in the event of an emergency; and, indeed, fails each informal visit hereafter.
{The Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974 states: "It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure [1], so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety." |
2. Please note: during the period from late-July 2006 to mid-September 2008, the workplace's volunteers included several legal minors executing the Duke of Edinburgh Award, two adults with severely compromised immune systems, several unemployed adults on temporary «work experience», one adult with Asperger's syndrome, and several senior citizens — including two with greatly decreased mobility.
3. [... ...]
[Document in progress.]
1. ACCESS & EGRESS : 4pp.
[Deconstructions — in progress (*) or in preparation.]
7a. Ms. T. McIlhoney (Area Manager; & Line-Manager, from 11th August 2007 to 1st December 2008) : 6 pp.* |
8. PROFLIGACY : 13pp.; document in progress.
1. Ad hominem argument: logical fallacy of attempting to undermine an individual's argument by attacking the individual instead of addressing the argument. Ad verecundiam argument: argument from titular authority. Antiphrase: phrase conveying the opposite meaning to the one intended literally. Disinformation: falsehood(s) by omission. Duty: moral or legal obligation. Dysfunctional literacy: impaired comprehension skills; unwitting misuse of language. Ensure: make safe or sure; make sure to happen; secure. Functional illiteracy: inadequate reading and writing skills for ordinary practical needs. Investigation: searching inquiry for ascertaining (relevant) facts in context; detailed or careful examination. Misfeasance: inadequate or poor performance of a contractual duty. Misinformation: falsehood(s). Nonfeasance: complete failure to perform a contractual duty. Paralogism: illogical reasoning, the illogicality of which the reasoner in question is unware of. Platitude: trite or banal statement, especially one expressed as if it were significant and original. Remedial: designed or intended to correct or improve a deficiency in a specific attribute. Root cause: initiating cause of a causal chain which leads to an outcome or effect of importance. Systematic: marked by regularity. Systemic weakness: one that is judged to be a fundamental problem that requires corrective action through administrative, regulatory, legislative, or policy change.
2. For a cogent document, see the Health & Safety Executive's Line Manager Competency Indicator Tool.
3. CR-UK's Council of Trustees (2007-2010): Mr. David Newbigging (Chairman), Dr. Melanie Lee (Deputy Chairman), Professor Colin Bird, Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, Dr. Philip Campbell, Sir James Crosby, Ms. Liz Hewitt, Mr. Roger Matthews, Dame Bridget Ogilvie, Dr. Keith Palmer, Ms. Leah Sowden, Professor Jeffrey Tobias.
Dr. R. Peters' Home Page.
[July 2010]